Inmate Query

Booking Detail.


Photograph date 11/19/2019
DOB:  12/1/1999
Race Code:  W
Sex Code:  M
Height:  5'06"
Weight:  160 lbs.
Hair Color Code:  BRO
Eye Color Code:  BRO

Booking Number Booking Date Arresting Agency Code
130783471 11/19/2019 08:27 pm OCSO
Case Number Charge Description Bond Amount
CF19001064 MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE Held without Bond $0.00
CF19001064 MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE Held without Bond $0.00
CF19001064 MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE Held without Bond $0.00
CF19001064 MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE Held without Bond $0.00

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