Larry Stein Oklahoma County Assessor (405) 713-1200 - Public Access System
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Example: Smith John...Last name first.....or Smith J%
Wildcard searches are available using "%" or only a portion of the owner name

Physical Address: 
Example: 110 E Main.....or 1% E Main (must include street direction or use wildcard option)
Wildcard searches are available using "%" or only a portion of the block # and a portion of the street name
Real Acct #:
(The letter R must be included in the account number)
Real Estate Acct. #'s use letter R with 9 digits.   Example R123456789....No wildcard searches
Acct #:
(The letter P must be included in the account number)
Personal Acct. #'s use letter P with 7 digits.  Example: P1234567....No wildcard searches
Acct #:
(The letter C must be included in the account number)
Centrally Assessed Acct. #'s use 7 - 10 digits.  Example: CE050200...No wildcard searches.
 Block Lot
You may refine your search by including "Block # (3) digits.  Example: 001
You may refine your search by including "Lot #" (3) digits.  Example:  001
You may also perform wildcard searches by using "%" or entering only a portion of the subdivision name, block #, or lot #.
Map #:
 (1001-4944) Quarter Section Map # ranges
Map Numbers Here.  Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 
Book & Page
Book  Page
The deed book & page is recorded on the documentary stamp from the County Clerk's Office
Wildcard searches are available using "%" or only a portion of the owner name.
Examples are Apartment%, 7- ELE%, PENN SQU%.  Due to limited space in this field, we can’t list every tenant in a large building, but sometimes we can enter more than one, like “TLC CHIROPRACTIC/ EDWARD JONES”.  Or we may put in “MULTIPLE TENANTS” if there are too many to list.

Not all buildings have a name, or are vacant, so we enter “NO NAME” or “UNOCCUPIED”.  There are times that the building is vacant, but we will use the name of the last tenant if it is still visible to help identify the property for future phone calls or inquiries. 

It is not possible for our office to update the occupant names every time there is a change.  Properties are inspected at least once every four years, so it is possible to have names in this field that are out of date.  We send surveys to the property owners occasionally to help us update this information, but again, not all surveys are returned.

This search pulls information associated to:
Commercial, Industrial, Commercial/Res, Commercial/Ag, and Exempt properties

Sales & Deed Transaction Searches:

Search property deed transactions using: Tax Year, Deed type, Acct Type, Bldg Description, Vacant/Improved Land, & City


Tax Year (Select Tax Year) Required
Deed Type (Select Deed Type to narrow your results)
Account Type (Filter using Account Type)
1/4 sect Map # (Filter using Map #)
Bldg Description (Examples: blank, Ranch 1 story, Office, Hotel, or wildcard %Apart)   Get List Here
Improved/Vacant (Select Land Type)
City (Select a City to narrow your results)